Teaching tailored Dutch lessons
since 2010
% online students
since 2010
since 2010

Online, flexible, and effective
Since 2013, Taaltutor has been teaching tailored online language lessons to students all over the world. With great pleasure! As independent language tutors, we do not need a classroom and are therefore flexible in scheduling the lessons. This way of working means that we save on travel time, costs, and hence burden our planet less.

Flipping the Classroom
Our approach is always tailor-made. For one-to-one and one-to-two classes, we prefer to use the so-called ‘Flipping the Classroom’ approach, alongside existing methods for structure, such as Delftse Methode. We emphasize conversation, where listening and speaking skills and expanding vocabulary are the most important pillars.

Manual for Online Language Teachers
In 2021, e-learning expert Mary van den IJssel and Taaltutor founder Sandra Wormgoor published the manual “Grenzeloos lesgeven” through Coutinho Publishers for online, independent language teachers. Read more about their book in this blog (in Dutch).
Who and what is Taaltutor?
Nieuwste blogs

Is there a Dutch word for siblings?

U of jij? Wat kunt u / kun jij het beste gebruiken?