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Level testing

We offer certified language tests for Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking, and Conversation per level (CEF levels and F levels) for Dutch as a second language (NT2) and Dutch as a first language (NT1).

As a language school, we are licensed by Bureau ICE. This agency has developed certified language tests that are suitable for testing language skills up to and including level B1. 


Dutch as a Second Language (NT2) is indicated in the following CEF levels: 

  • Alpha A, Alpha B, Alpha C (Alpha C equals A1 level): Not yet literate user
  • A1 – A2: Basic User
  • B1 – B2: Independent user
  • C1 – C2: Proficient user


Dutch as a First Language (NT1) is referred to as the so-called Meijerink levels and expressed in the following F levels: 1F, 2F, 3F and 4F:

  • 1F: Basic user. The level at the end of primary school;
  • 2F: Independent user. The level at the end of VMBO (bb/kd) and MBO year 1 and 2;
  • 3F: Independent user. The level at the end of vmbo gl/tl, mbo-4 and havo;
  • 4F: Skilled user: the level at the end of a pre-university education.

Schedule with CEF and F Levels

Basic User

Level A1

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases. Can introduce himself/herself to others and can ask and answer questions about personal information such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she owns. Can respond in a simple manner, provided the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

Level A2 – 1F

Can understand sentences and frequently occurring expressions related to matters of immediate importance (e.g. personal data, family, shopping, local geography, work). Can communicate in simple and mundane tasks requiring simple and direct exchange on familiar and mundane issues. Can describe in simple terms aspects of own background, immediate environment and issues related to various needs.

Independent user

Level B1 – 2F

Can understand key points from clear standard texts on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school and leisure. Can cope with most situations that may arise when traveling in areas where the relevant language is spoken. Can produce simple running text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and aspirations and can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Level B2 – 3F

Can understand the main idea of ​​a complex text, on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in own field. Can respond so fluently and spontaneously that normal exchange with native speakers is possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of topics; can express a point of view on a topical issue, explaining the pros and cons of various options.

Proficient user

Level C1 – 4F

Can understand a wide range of demanding, lengthy texts and recognize implicit meaning. Can express himself fluently and spontaneously without demonstrably having to search for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured and detailed text on complex topics, using organizational structures and connecting words.

Level C2

Can easily understand almost anything he hears or reads. Can summarize information from various spoken and written sources, reconstruct arguments and report coherently. Can express himself spontaneously, fluently and precisely, distinguishing fine nuances of meaning, even in more complex situations.


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